Cameron City Council accepts Davis’s resignation

The Cameron City Council accepted the resignation of Ward 3 Councilmember Robert Davis and discussed replacing him during its meeting Sept. 5.

Davis’s term will expire in 2019. The council has the ability to appoint someone to fill the position until the election in 2018. If anyone is interested in filling the spot for the interim, please contact city hall at 254-697-6646. If someone is appointed they will have to run for election in May of 2018 to fill the spot for the remainder of the term.

City Manager Rhett Parker said council will interview two candidates for the police chief position next week. 

Council also approved change orders for the Texas Water Development Board Project to rehabilitate the clarifiers. Tommy Valle with KDP said the project is expected to begin soon.

In other business council also: held a public hearing on the proposed tax rate; approved a request from the Cameron Car Club for the use of the downtown area for the Annual Classic Car Show on April 7, 2018; approved awards from the Cameron Tourism Board for HOT funds; appointed Bobby Schiller, Daniel Willie and Jennifer Kostroun to the CEDC for two year terms; and approved the reappointment of Judges Sam Berry and Marion Cooley at the next meeting.