Ceremony dedicates Historical Marker at Wilson-Ledbetter Park

Cameron Mayor Connie Anderle, front right, reads the text of the new Historical Marker at Wilson-Ledbetter Park on Saturday morning, Sept. 17, during a ceremony dedicating the new marker. Pictured looking on are, from left, Dolores Mode, Monica Schiller, Melissa Williams and Cameron City Manager Rhett Parker.

By Lindsey Vaculin

General Manager


A piece of history was recognized Saturday morning, Sept. 17, when an official Texas Historical Marker was dedicated at Wilson-Ledbetter Park.

“What a bright future this park has,” Jackie Thornton with the Milam County Historical Commission said. “Many of you, like me, have a long acquaintance with this park. But, you don’t really know the history of it.”

Thornton said the Ledbetters came to the area in 1853 with their 10 children to settle. In less than 10 years, both parents died of consumption and the oldest daughter, Lizzie, took in her brothers and sisters.

“Lizzie lived on Bell Bayou,” she said. “She was a very caring, generous person. She raised more than 20 foster children.”

In 1914, Lizzie deeded 25 acres to the City of Cameron for the park. In the deed it stated, “Her consideration of the love and affection for the people of Milam County and the City of Cameron and her desire to provide for them and their children, for all time to come, a playground.”

The Texas Historical Commission has recognized the Wilson-Ledbetter Park as a significant part of Texas history. The designation honors Wilson-Ledbetter Park as an important and educational part of local history.

 “It is vital that as we move forward, we do not forget our past,” Milam County Historical Commission Chair Geri Burnett said. “Not only will the Texas Historical Marker provide awareness in the community of our fascinating history, but it will become a building block for the promotion of local tourism.” 

The marker is placed on top of a hill at the entrance to the park so everyone can stop to read it without getting out of their cars.

“We are proud to have this park for many generations and the generations to come to enjoy,” Cameron Mayor Connie Anderle said.