4-H enrollment starts Sept. 1 for all those interested

By Micah Holcombe

County Extension Agent for Family and Consumer Sciences

In Texas, as everywhere, our youth are our future.  Oh, how we strive to develop and encourage hard work and dedication of our youth. The youth today will determine the leaders and citizens of the future, not only for Texas, but for the nation and the world. The 4-H program is the answer to achieve this goal! 

What is 4-H? 

4-H is learning by doing, and is available to all boys and girls in the Kindergarten through 12th grades, from urban, suburban and rural areas. First, an adult leader brings together youth that have common interests. Second, the youth choose one or more projects. Projects are chosen from among 100 project areas offered. Third, the group enrolls as a club, and fourth meets together to learn and have FUN. Clubs are able to explore 4-H activities, events and trips. In 4-H, there are events happening all year round. 

Who is 4-H for? 

The 4-H program is a great way to involve all the family because 4-H is for all youth and adults. The 4-H membership includes: grades K-2: Clover Kids (limited activities), grades 3-5:  Juniors, grades 6-8: Intermediates and grades 9-12: Senior 4-H

What is a 4-H Club? 

These are the traditional clubs that have been, and will continue to be, the basic unit and foundation of the 4-H program. Clubs may be organized on a project basis or on a community basis. In a project club, all members of about the same age work on the same project area together. A community club includes a larger number of members of various ages who work on a variety of projects in a neighborhood or community. Milam County has 6 4-H clubs and 5 are community clubs and 1 is the shooting sports project club. 

How do I get information about Milam County 4-H? 

We have a great website full of information on how to join: www.join4h.com or you can always come by our Extension Office and we have a new family guide for all new 4-H families. We also have a 4-H Facebook page: Milam County 4-H: https://www.facebook.com/milamcountyfourH 

How do I enroll or re-enroll into 4-H? 

The new 4-H year starts Sept. 1. All 4-H members, clover kids, and adult volunteers who enrolled last year will have to re-enroll for the 2016-2017 year. To enroll, please visit the 4-H Connect website at: https://texas.4honline.com/. Adults are $5 to join (will include screening), members will pay a $25 participation fee per member, and clover kids (age 5-8) will be free. 

What do I do next? 

After you have enrolled, the next step is to go to your club meetings each month and read the weekly 4-H Blasts. This will provide you with all the opportunities that are available in the 4-H program. You can pick and choose what activities and projects to be a part of. The 4-H program gives you the freedom to choose what you want to do.

The 4-H program is such a fun and exciting organization for children to do and we try to provide plenty of opportunities for you to pick from! Let your youth experience what 4-H can offer them! It will definitely be worth your time and effort! 

For information about any 4-H related activity, please go to the website or facebook page! www.Join4-h.com or www.facebook.com/milamcountyfourH For more information about Milam County 4-H, please call the Milam County Extension Office at 254-697-7045 or email Micah Holcombe, FCS Agent, at mlholcombe@ag.tamu.edu or Floyd Ingram, Ag Agent, at Floyd.Ingram@ag.tamu.edu