Thrift Shop volunteers, supporters honored at luncheon

Cameron Area Christian Services recently held an appreciation luncheon honoring Thrift Shop volunteers and supporters.

By Alan Wood, Cameron Area Christian Services

The Cameron Area Thrift Shop Annual Appreciation Luncheon held on Sept. 23 was a big success.
The Appreciation Luncheon held at the Methodist Family Life Center had a large crowd of donors and volunteers. Board Chairman Alan Wood spoke on the past year accomplishments and future needs of the Thrift Shop. He then introduced the Board who handed out appreciation certificates to the donors and volunteers in attendance.
Following the program homemade cakes made by the board members were given out for a donation which goes to the Thrift Shop for future needs.
One need spoke of at the luncheon was the need for another freezer to help hold frozen chickens given away for the holidays. This need was met even before this article could be written as an individual blessed the Thrift Shop with a freezer! Thank you!
In a related manner the Board held its September meeting just a week prior to the luncheon and heard the Managers Report for August. One hundred people were helped with food and another 17 with free clothing. Ten volunteers assisted at the Thrift Shop for the month. Volunteers are always needed. So if you want to volunteer, just show up at the Thrift Shop and ask for Frances any day the Thrift Shop is open, which are Tuesdays, Thursdays and Fridays 9 a.m. until 3 p.m..
Under the food department it was reported the pantry is low on rice and cereal plus the supply is getting lower. In order to help fill the pantry some of donated funds will be used to buy food to be given away.
Thanks goes out to area churches and everyone that is helped the Thrift Shop with cash donations in August 2015. New Beginnings Full Gospel, Marlow Baptist Church, All Saints Episcopal, Cameron First Baptist and First United Methodist of Cameron gave for a total of $575. Three individuals along with the Cameron Car Club and First Baptist Share and Care Class donated $440.
The board elected the officers for the coming year; Chairman Alan Wood, Vice Chair Tense Tumlinson, Treasurer Marie Kortis and Secretary Sue Foster.
Would you like to be a board member of the Thrift Shop Board? According to the by laws membership shall consist of those Cameron area Churches who’s governing bodies on an annual basis 1.) Pledge a financial contribution, 2.) Appoint a lay representative and 3.) Pledge congregational involvement. So if you want to be a representative on the Cameron Area Christian Services Board. Just stop by the Thrift Shop and leave your name, address and name of Church to be represented to receive notice of when the next Board meeting will to be held or show up at the next Board Meeting, Oct. 12 at the Methodist Baskin Family Life Center starting at 5:30 p.m.
Everyone is welcome at the Thrift Shop, come shop, donate or volunteer. Anyone can mail a tax-deductible donation to 300 South Houston Street, Cameron, Texas 76520 or come by the Thrift Shop which is a nonprofit community based organization serving the needy of the area.